3 Essential Tips For Reigniting Your Meditation Practice

meditation tips

Are you finding it challenging to restart your meditation practice? Are you lacking the motivation to sit? Here are three helpful tips that might help you with your practice:

1. Take Advantage Of Community (Sangha)

For many people, it is very difficult to practice meditation on their own, but the support of a community, or Sangha, can make a significant difference. Whether joining a Buddhist group, a meditation community, or a Zen center, being part of a community can inspire your practice. If you’re feeling alone, unmotivated or disconnected, consider joining a Sangha to help support your practice.

2. Clarify Your Direction

Take a moment to look at the purpose of your practice. If it’s just for our personal gain, we will end up dissatisfied. Consider widening your perspective and realizing that meditation has a greater purpose beyond our own satisfaction. Look at the world around you—war, poverty, environmental issues—this can be quite overwhelming, but we can use this energy, whether it’s sadness, anger, or fear, and direct these energies into our practice. When we can do this, we see that our meditation practice is not just for ourselves; it’s a commitment to helping this world.

3. Use Reminders to Stay Mindful

In the midst of our busy lives, it’s easy to forget our meditation practice once we get up from the cushion. You can use tools to remind yourself to meditate at this very moment. You can use beads, like a mala, or incense, or use a mantra in your daily routine. Some people use hourly timers or putting a Buddha on their altar to help. These reminders can help you reconnect with your practice. Find what works for you to stay mindful of your commitment to the present moment.

Remember, the essence of meditation means waking up to this moment and responding to what is arising. By implementing these three tips—community support, a clear sense of purpose, and practical reminders—you can reignite the fire of your meditation practice and this will have a major impact on your life and the world around you.

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