This website is dedicated to Zen, meditation, and life. My hope is that this can be valuable for anyone looking to investigate life, understand themselves, and respond to this world in a clear and helpful way. If you are interested in working with me or have a question, please reach out anytime.


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About Jason Quinn


Jason Quinn JDPSN grew up in California and began practicing Zen in 1997 with the Kwan Um School of Zen in Seattle. He lived at the Providence Zen Center for ten years, where he held various staff positions, including Abbot. He trained as a monk for nine years, during which he sat many long summer and winter Kyol Che retreats, and took part in retreats around the world. Since 2001, Jason has worked with hundreds of people, helping them to strengthen their Zen practice and create a path for a more clear and compassionate life. Jason studied under Zen Master Dae Kwang for 16 years and received inka (authorized to lead retreats and give koan interviews) in 2015 and is a teacher at the Empty Gate Zen Center and for the Kwan Um School Online Sangha.  He now lives in Santa Clara, CA with his wife, son, and daughter. Jason is the author of the book, No-Nonsense Zen for Beginners. You can find his teaching videos on his YouTube channel. 

Why I Started Practicing Zen 

Read the story of events that led me to Zen practice. Click here to read.

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This site is not associated or a part of the Kwan Um School Of Zen or the Empty Gate Zen Center.